May 10, 2023
I am here for you!
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2. You would like to feel self-assured, express yourself better if stressful situations occur during pregnancy. Even if at present you have a doctor that you trust, you worry that during pregnancy or birth you might have to cope with a healthcare provider you do not know and of whom your gut feeling says 'don't trust this one'. In that case, can you change your doctor or healthcare provider? You do not know and to be honest, you do not trust yourself to speak up?
3. You do not feel supported by people surrounding you. Your sister in law or mother in law had planned caesareans and you don't want that. You feel they do not respect your wishes, they try to influence you.
4. When you imagine your postpartum with a house full of visitors it panics you. You cannot deal with visitors and a newborn at the same time, thinking about it makes you anxious and stressed. How should you prepare for this!?
5. If you would give birth in your home country, you know you would get a lot of support from your friends or your family. Here you feel very alone. Would you like to read more? Click here.
I am here for you!
Submit your details to book yourself a free initial interview.
Photographer: Eric Kampherbeek
My name is Anderske and I am a Dutch mother of two residing in Istanbul since 2008. As a trained soprano, I gave solo concerts over the past years and worked as a teacher, conductor and school director. During lockdown in 2020, something started stirring in me.
What was my life evolving around? My two kids and my family! I started to think about my birth experiences a lot. I had two medical pregnancies in Turkey, but two natural and positive births in the Netherlands in 2011 and 2013. What always kept me sane was a firm belief in myself and that I was capable to give birth. This self-confidence was also influenced by my mother’s and maternal grandmother’s easy birth experiences.
Women’s experiences during pregnancy and birth can be stressful and sometimes even traumatic. All the stories my friends told me about their birth experiences fascinated me. I recorded a podcast in Turkish about natural birth and the ball started rolling. Driven by a passion to connect to women, I founded my company Anne Koçu. I provide services and products to promote maternal wellbeing and I am a personal coach, specialised in the prevention and recovery of birth traumas. Welcome to my website, happy to be here for you.