Mom Box Simple
Mom Box- Simple
Based on the Kraamdoos (baby and mommy box) in the Netherlands! Now also in simple, smaller version
For Mom:
Spices for lohusa şerbeti*
Derma Derm belly cream
2 silicon bracelets (colors may vary) for last breast*
Breast pads
For baby:
muslin burp cloths
baby slippers (0-12 months)
teething toy
Nijntje sleeping toy
*Lohusa Şerbeti is a traditional Turkish red drink (a şerbet) which is served to guests after a baby is born. Boil all spices and the red sugary lump together in 2 liters of water. Serves 20 (in small glasses)
*Silicon bracelets serve as a simple tip from mom to mom; when breasteeding, always have your baby finish one breast completely. Then offer your second breast as dessert. You can wear them on the arm from the side you offered last. This way you always start at the right breast.